Factsheets and Manuals
An assessment of demand and supply limitations for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium for major crops in Nepal
(November 2024) | Publication
The demand and supply gaps of key fertilizers (i.e., N, P2O5, and K2O) were analyzed for five major crops: rice, maize, wheat, potato, and tomato, in Nepal. Specifically, this study (i) estimates the demand for fertilizers across 20 Terai districts that comprise the western portion of Nepal’s ‘Feed the Future’ (FtF) Zone of Influence (ZoI; Figure 1) supported by USAID, based on factors such as cultivated land area, crop species and seasons, soil indigenous nutrient status, and irrigation availability, and (ii) assesses the gap between current supply and estimated demand for N, P2O5, and K2O fertilizers.
Dynamics of informal cross-border trade in agricultural products between Nepal and India
(July 2024) | Publication
To understand the dynamics that underpin the informal trade of agricultural food products between Nepal and India, this study undertook comprehensive primary and secondary research combining disaggregated customs data at 8-digit level with high frequency for informal trade based on key informant interviews, stakeholder consultations, and focus group discussions at different locations in Nepal.
Social safety nets in Nepal: a review
(July 2024) | Publication
This report presents a brief review of the social safety net (SSN) landscape of Nepal with the focus on the non-contributory social assistance programs. The review draws upon the rich and growing literature on SSNs in Nepal. It encompasses policy documents published by the National Planning Commission (NPC), analytical reports and data briefs published by United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nation’s Development Program (UNDP), the World Bank, and other national and international agencies, such as Human Rights Watch and International Labor Organization (ILO). Additionally, it analyzes financial allocations to social protection programs in Nepal over the past 5 years, using data from the Red Book published by the Ministry of Finance (MoF, 2023).
Digital data collection for groundwater monitoring: enumerator manual (English | Nepali)
(September 2023) | Manual
The Groundwater Resources Development Board (GWRDB), is responsible for carrying out numerous groundwater-related projects throughout Nepal. One of these projects involves monitoring the water level fluctuations of investigation tube wells. This training manual is an output of several years of work and workshops on digital data collection organized by the GWRDB in collaboration with the CSISA project.
Tips to improve Maize productivity in Plateau of Odisha – ToT Manual
(July 2023) | Publication
Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) is promoting improved technologies for maize cultivation in North-Central Plateau of Odisha during the Kharif season. In collaboration with Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Empowerment, Government of Odisha, this initiative is envisaged to enhance maize productivity, household income and food security. A ToT manual was published (translated in Odiya as well) for scaling the practice in other non-CSISA operational districts by other stakeholders.
ToT manual for direct-seeded rice (DSR) technology
(June 2023) | Publication
Direct seeding is a crop establishment method wherein rice seeds are sown directly into the fields. Under favourable conditions, direct-seeded rice (DSR) is an efficient, climate-smart and economically viable alternative to puddled, transplanted rice. CSISA (India) promotes DSR through precision establishment either by line sowing using seed drills or by precision broadcasting using handheld spreaders, coupled with the best bet agronomic practices like balance irrigation and weed management.
For Kharif 2023, CSISA prepared a training manual on DSR technology and practices. JEEViKA and partners use the manual for training their cadres/members on DSR and best practices.
Cropping Systems of Haryana – Challenges and Opportunities
(February 2023) | Publication
CSISA, under a collaborative capacity building initiative, led a landscape diagnostic survey (LDS) with Chaudhury Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University (CCS HAU) under their rural agricultural work experience (RAWE) program for students graduating with honors in Bachelor of Science in agriculture. The twin objectives of this initiative were to understand the existing challenges and opportunities for different cropping systems in Haryana through a bottom-up approach and to prepare students for careers in agriculture by building their practical skills in digital agriculture and big data management. Based on the survey, a book titled “Cropping Systems of Haryana – Challenges and Opportunities” documenting research methodology and findings, including recommendations, was published and released in February 2023.
CSISA Gender Impact Table Calendar
(January 2023) | Publication
CSISA (India) works to improve access to agri-technology, extension services, and skills of women farmers in Odisha and Bihar through state rural livelihood missions like JEEViKa and the Dept. of Mission Shakti. An information, education, and communication (IEC) product, the gender impact calendar documents visuals of women farmers in action – participating in CSISA-associated interventions and learning the application of agri-technologies in their fields.
A framework for sustainable and inclusive irrigation in Western Nepal
(June 2022) | Publication
This report assesses the current state of Nepal’s irrigation sector and presents a sustainable and inclusive farmer-led irrigation development framework, that was co-created with key stakeholders to ensure that recommendations are in line with local development priorities. In brief, the report suggests that a re-orientation in the irrigation sector is needed towards more inclusive, service-oriented and farmer-led irrigation development. This would be achieved through more adaptive, evidence-based and demand-driven water management and technology investments, and would empower farmers, the private sector, and the newly established decentralized government structures defined in the 2015 Constitution.
Simple and effective management methods that can improve soybean production in Bangladesh
(January 2022) | Publication
This manual is for anyone interested in cultivating soybean, particularly in the Noakhali, Lakshmipur Bhola and Chuadanga districts of Bangladesh. It is intended to motivate farmers to consider the advantages of a new crop and how to get started. It explains the conditions needed for cultivating and processing soybean, the conservation agriculture approach which produces the best results, and how to tackle common problems that might arise. It provides a financially and environmentally sound approach to modern agriculture, and indicates the professional satisfaction which is likely to accrue as a result of taking this step forward.
Understanding barriers and opportunities for scaling sustainable and inclusive farmer-led irrigation development in Nepal
(October 2021) | Publication
Nepal has abundant water resources, but over 60% of irrigable lands owned by smallholder farmers don’t have irrigation access. Many smallholder farmers and women farmers lack water for agriculture, drinking, sanitation, and other domestic uses. Nepal’s Tarai region is considered an area with huge potential for surface and groundwater-based irrigation development.
But the drivers and constraints for scaling of irrigation development remain poorly understood. This study therefore aimed at assessing opportunities, and barriers for scaling sustainable and inclusive farmer-led irrigation development in the USAID Feed the Future Zone of Influence (FtF ZoI) region in Western Tarai from a qualitative social science perspective. Irrigation development does not take place in a vacuum, irrigation practices are continuously shaped and reshaped by a multi-faceted range of drivers stretching from farmer’s livelihoods and aspirations, via economic arrangements of different scales including supporting sectors and markets, to the political economy of water resources management and international trade arrangements. Making irrigation work, therefore requires the application of an integrated lens for analysis to understand and pinpoint critical bottlenecks in the rural innovation systems for irrigation development and management.
Agricultural Machinery Service Provision Business: A business model for return migrant workers
(August 2021) | Publication
Agricultural machinery service provision businesses at the individual level, providing services for crop production, harvesting, post-harvest operations, processing, and transportation, is a somewhat new concept in the context of Nepal. Most of these service provision businesses are owned and managed by the same person. Managing a service provision business means overseeing a hire service with a primary business orientation, unlike, for example, a farmer with a machine who additionally provides services to neighbors. This orientation helps to ensure that activities and tasks are completed effectively and efficiently.
Slow adoption of mechanical rice transplanters in Nepal’s cereal-based cropping systems: reasons and recommendations for change
(August 2021) | Publication
This study has examined the status of the mechanized rice transplanters (MRTP) in Nepal’s Terai. We identified the potential drivers responsible for the slow adoption of MRTPs and suggested solutions to contribute to overcoming constraints in Nepal. Although our dataset is small, it does comprise half the total population of MRTP owners in the entire country, and hence represents the views of existing MRTP owners and users. Our results highlight the substantial benefits associated with MRTP use, the most important being the reduction in rice transplanting and seedling uprooting costs, cost of hired labor, and farm drudgery. At the same time, several issues emerged which contribute to the slow adoption rate of the MRTP in Nepal’s Terai.
Importance and Role of Scale Appropriate Machinery in COVID-19 Response including Gender Sensitiveness and Awareness
(June 2021) | Online Conference Report
A virtual digital conference was organized on 21 June 2021. One hundred and forty stakeholders with extensive experience in Nepal/Asia were invited. Participants included national and international experts/researchers in agricultural mechanizations, agronomists, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) experts, agriculture engineers, academia, practitioners, field-based staff, scientists, agriculture senior officials, policymakers, members of civil societies, project staff, and private sectors including National Agriculture Machinery Entrepreneurs Association (NAMEA.) The main purpose of the online conference was to raise awareness of the demand for machine-based land preparation, planting, and harvesting services in COVID-19 impacted districts. Invited to present on the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on smallholder farmers and subsequent recovery activities were federal government ministries and departments from FtF districts: Prime Minister Agriculture Mechanization Project (PMAMP), International Non-Government Organizations (INGOs), Community Based Organizations, (CBOs), the private sector, Nepal Agricultural Research Council,(NARC), and staff from the Agriculture Knowledge Center (AKC), in particular from FtF districts. All the presenters shared their experiences, their achievements, and what they had learned during the recovery activities carried out in the FtF zone of influence. One common factor was that these activities have contributed greatly to the recovery process towards securing the income and livelihood of the affected populations.
Water access challenges in the western plains of Nepal
(June 2021) | Publication
This research is part of a larger effort to develop a framework for sustainable irrigation development in the FtF-ZoI considering biophysical issues as well as socioeconomic, policy, and institutional concerns, complemented by futuristic scenario modeling of irrigation development options. This document, therefore, informs these efforts and provides guidance on key hydrological concerns pertaining to irrigation development.
This study considers six Terai districts within the Feed the Future Zone of Influence (FtF-ZoI) in Western Nepal as study area. We aim to answer the following research questions by means of a thorough review of available literature to provide inputs for developing a sustainable framework for irrigation development considering – i) What are the estimates on current and future water availability in the FtF-ZoI? ii) What are estimates on current and future water demand? iii) What are the prospects and potential strategies for planned CU in the FtF-ZoI (Terai districts)?
Technology Menu for Mechanical Grain Dryers (with Special Reference to Paddy and Maize) | Mechanical Grain Dryer Flyer (Nepali)
(May 2021) | Manual
This document presents the most important information about the dryer, including types, benefits, working principles, features, specifications, source of supply, estimated cost, custom duties, special requirements, and examples of institutions/organizations which have been using the dryers successfully. It is published to introduce to the reader the various drying systems able to address the issue of post-harvest loss, specifically in spring rice and maize. It sets out to familiarize the reader with the various dryers on the market, and to facilitate the most appropriate choice of dryer for every level of farmer and entrepreneur, according to their needs and the funds they have. This document is expected to help policymakers, extension workers, rice millers and feed industries, machinery suppliers, farmers and co-operatives in decision-making, as well as to reduce post-harvest losses, particular those incurred in drying.
Cereal grain harvesting and post-harvest machinery in Nepal: a national value chain study
(May 2021) | Publication
The agriculture sector in Nepal constitutes almost 30% of the country’s GDP and contributes 21% of employment in the country. Rice is the main crop with an average production of 3.4 metric tonnes (Mt) per hectare while wheat averages 1.6 Mt per hectare. The mechanization of harvesting is one of the main policies pursued by the Government of Nepal for agricultural modernization. This report provides an overview of the value chains of rice, wheat and maize harvesting equipment available in Nepal, from manufacturing and importing of machines to farm-level service provision. It covers a number of grain-harvesting machines and equipment and their use in Nepal’s Terai southern plains, particularly in selected districts in Parasi, Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Banke, Bardiya in Lumbini province and Kailali in Sudurpashchim province and their associated value chains in Kathmandu and abroad.
Pumpset efficiently operation, repair, and maintenance manual for service providers (Nepali)
(March 2021) | Manual
This manual is a revised version of the booklet titled ‘Operation and Maintenance of Diesel Pump Set’ published in Nepali language by Shanghai Nanhui Motive Power Machine Co. Ltd. This manual will guide service provides and farmers on how to use their pumpsets effectively (at low cost) and choose the adequate pumpset when replacing it. It also mentions the risks and accidents that may occur during operation and how to avoid them. The service providers will solve (repair) most of the problems encountered while operating the pumpset through this manual and may only seek a mechanic’s help for a problem beyond their capacity, which will alleviate the lack of mechanics during the main season.
Scale-Appropriate Farm Machinery for Rice and Wheat Harvesting: Updates from South and South East Asia
(March 2021) | Booklet
This booklet’s contributions result from a ‘Traveling Seminar’ held in early 2019, with more than 40 international experts and project partners’ participation. The seminar, and now this compilation of papers, provided a platform to share across countries and the public and private sectors and learn about cereal harvesting technologies in Asia.
Combine harvester specifications, operation and design for wet rice field conditions in Bangladesh
(January 2021) | Booklet
This informational brief explores the hazards associated with operating combine harvesters and other tracked vehicles in wet and muddy conditions such as those in Bangladesh. Without the proper operation, it is quite easy for these vehicles to become “stuck in the mud,” requiring extraction by heavy lorries using winches and chains. This paper finds that proper driver training far outweighs other methods, such as lightening the vehicle and increasing the contact area between the vehicle and the ground, in the mitigation of driving in the mud.
New Frontiers in Agricultural Extension – Volume I (English) Volume II (English)
Volume I (September 2019) | Book
The first volume of this document “New Frontiers in Agricultural Extension” incorporates the main outcomes of landscape diagnostic survey of wheat across 29 districts of Bihar and nine districts of Eastern UP with 7,648 data points (wheat) and from Odisha with 400 data points (rice).
Volume II (January 2021) | Book
The second volume of ‘New Frontiers in Agricultural Extension” brings together the status of technology adoption patterns of rice-based technologies across eight states–Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Odisha, Punjab, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. The 550-page book has three broad chapters including data collection and its processing methods, learnings and priority setting from landscape diagnostic survey database, and evidence-based district level adoption patterns of technologies to identify future actions.
Infographic: Wheat Blast Early Warning System (Bangla)
(August 2020)
This infographic contains information on the wheat blast early warning system. For more information, visit beattheblastews.net
Bed planters for service mechanics (English)
Experiential learning modules for sustainable intensification and agriculture service provision
(May 2020) | Book
This training module is designed for mechanics (1) preferably with experience repairing bed planters, but also twowheeled tractors, or (2) who are already running a business and have an interest in repairing agricultural machinery.
Bed planters for service providers (English)
Experiential learning modules for sustainable intensification and agriculture service provision
(May 2020) | Book
This training module is designed for: (1) service providers who have already procured a bed planter machine and are providing services to farmers, or (2) those interested in procuring a bed planter.
Power tiller-operated seeders for mechanics (English)
Experiential learning modules for sustainable intensification and agriculture service provision
(May 2020) | Book
This training is designed for rural agricultural service providers, farmers and future training facilitators interested in understanding and/or practicing mechanical seeding of rice, maize, wheat or legumes using a two-wheeled tractor, and those interested in conservation agriculture.
Mechanical line sowing with two-wheeled tractors for maize, wheat, legumes, and direct seeded rice (English)
Experiential learning modules for sustainable intensification and agriculture service provision
(May 2020) | Book
This training module is designed for rural agricultural service providers, farmers and future training facilitators interested in understanding and/or practicing mechanical seeding of rice, maize, wheat or legumes using a two-wheeled tractor, and those interested in conservation agriculture.
Axial flow pump and mixed flow pump for mechanics (English)
Experiential learning modules for sustainable intensification and agriculture service provision
(May 2020) | Book
This training module is designed for mechanics, either (1) with experience repairing irrigation pumps, or (2) who are already running a business and have an interest in repairing axial and mixed flow pumps. This training is also suitable for farmers and irrigation service providers, but only if they have advanced knowledge of machinery repair.
Axial flow pump and mixed flow pump for service providers (English)
Experiential learning modules for sustainable intensification and agriculture service provision
(May 2020) | Book
This training module is designed for irrigation service providers who have already procured an axial or mixed flow pump and are providing surface water irrigation or drainage services to farmers, or those who intend to buy a pump (i.e., potential service providers). This module is also suitable for service providers (or potential service providers) wanting to offer to pump
water for aquaculture purposes.
Self-propelled multi-crop reaper for mechanics (English)
Experiential learning modules for sustainable intensification and agriculture service provision
(May 2020) | Book
This training module is designed for mechanics with experience repairing multi-crop reapers. Those with experience repairing two-wheeled tractors and motorcycles can also be considered (the reaper engine is similar to that of a motorcycle). They should be already running a business and have an interest in agricultural machineries.
Self-propelled multi-crop reaper for service providers (English)
Experiential learning modules for sustainable intensification and agriculture service provision
(May 2020) | Book
This training module is designed for agricultural machinery service providers who (1) have already procured a reaper machine and are providing services to farmers, or (2) are interested in procuring a self-propelled multi-crop reaper and starting up a business that offers these services.
Integrated Weed Management (English)
Experiential learning modules for sustainable intensification and agriculture service provision
(May 2020) | Book
This book covers critical topics for the principles and practice of integrated weed management (IWM) in the context of smallholder farming in the tropics, with emphasis on experiential and hands-on learning. It is part of a set of comprehensive training resources on scale-appropriate machinery and resource-conserving agricultural practices for smallholder farmers in cereal-based farming systems.
Infographic: Agvisely (English)
(May 2020)
Infographic on Agvisely, an application designed for agricultural extension agents in Bangladesh which provides climate-smart and resilience-enhancing agricultural advice. For more information, visit www.agvisely.com
Infographic: Youth empowerment in Nepal (English)
(April 2020)
Infographic on CSISA’s impact working with youth in mechanization services in Nepal.
Infographic: Mung Bean Cultivation (English | Nepali)
(May 2019)
New series of infographics explain multiple benefits from mung bean production, tips on mung bean production in Nepal and the steps involved in mung bean cultivation.
Infographic: Fall Armyworm (English 1,2,3,4 |Bangla 1,2,3,4 | Lao 1,2,3,4 | Nepali 1,2,3,4)
(May 2019)
New series of infographics explains Fall Armyworm, its lifecycle and how to control Fall Armyworm at different stages of growth.
Reaper maintenance and repair (Nepali)
(March 2019) | Manual
Manual for service providers on reaper maintenance and repair.
Policy brief: National Dialogue on Innovations for Promoting Balanced Application of Macro and Micro Nutrient Fertilizers in Indian Agriculture (English)
(January 2019)
The national dialogue initiated conversations on three themes: a) policy changes and other innovations needed to accelerate the development of new fertilizer blends; b) ways to develop a soil intelligence system for India, and c) changes in extension and communication of soil health information to farmers to enable the adoption of scientific recommendations.
Training Modules (Bangla): Axial Flow Pump for Mechanics, Axial Flow Pump for Service Providers, Bed Planter for Service Providers, Bed Planter for Mechanics, Power Tiller Operated Seeder for Service Providers, Power Tiller Operated Seeder for Mechanics, Reaper for Service Providers, Reaper for Mechanics
Infographic: Wheat Blast (English, Bangla)
(January 2019)
This infographic contains the facts and figures to understand the deadly fungal disease in wheat and the necessary steps to be taken for the protection against blast.
Infographic: Early Wheat Sowing (Bangla)
(January 2019)
This infographic advocates for early wheat sowing for better yield for increased profit.
Tech-sheets: the dynamic innovations behind the success of CSISA-MI (English)
(November 2018) | Booklet
This document details the innovative techniques deployed by CSISA-MI, The Pathway to Agricultural Development, Human Centered Design, Private Sector Engagement and Adaptive Management; the four key components instrumental to the success of CSISA-MI.
Guide to user testing Communication Materials (English)
(October 2018) | Booklet
Behavior change communication, or communication for development, plays an integral role in development programming designed to incentivize positive behavior change. In the pursuit of reducing food insecurity in South Asia, the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) has developed a wide variety of behavior change communication materials to convey to diverse audiences techniques for – and benefits of – sustainably intensifying rice-, wheat- and maize-based cropping systems. This document synthesizes CSISA’s best practices and lessons learned for designing behavior change communication materials. It also aims to serve as a guide to future design activities using the principles of human-centered design. Recommendations from this guide can be applied to not only the agriculture sector but also in areas where products or campaigns are designed for the end-users.
Guidelines for Cereal Systems Intensification in Nepal (Nepali)
(July 2018) | Book
This booklet compiles information contained in earlier technical bulletins and fact sheets produced by CSISA-Nepal into one handy set of guidelines. Topics include the sustainable intensification of rice-, maize- and wheat-based cropping systems, as well as the identification of machinery appropriate for Nepal’s small-scale agricultural systems.
Zero Tillage Wheat (English, Hindi)
(May 2018) | Manual
Zero tillage (ZT) technology plays an important role in the sustainable intensification of rice–wheat cropping systems and adoption of better-bet management practices. The modules will help the reader to understand the benefits, challenges and operation of ZT technology, intensification of cropping systems, the role of custom hiring services, basic business concepts, profitability calculations and the importance of keeping business records. Designed for agronomy experts, business development professionals and senior staff from Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), the Department of Agriculture, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.
Introduction to Basic GIS and Spatial Analysis using QGI S: Applications in Bangladesh (English)
(April 2018) | Book
This book provides a set of learning modules introducing young scientists and researchers to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis using the open-source QGIS platform, and complementary R, SAGA and GRASS Platforms. The modules can be used for self-directed learning or to teach courses. Practical exercises that utilize spatial data for Bangladesh are included, and all required spatial data can be downloaded from an open-source website.
Standard Protocol for the Evaluation of Surface Water Irrigation Pumps in South Asia (English)
(January 2018) | Book
This document details procedures to reliably and accurately measure water discharge flow rates, total dynamic head, fuel consumption, power input parameters and fuel efficiency-related variables, for the comparative testing and evaluation of surface water irrigation pumps in South Asia. This document is valid for the standardized testing of axial and mixed flow pumps as well as, or in comparison to centrifugal pumps.
CSISA-MI in Bangladesh (English)
(November 2017) | Factsheet
Two-page document detailing CSISA-MI (Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia – Mechanization & Irrigation), a project led by CIMMYT, in collaboration with iDE and is being operated in Bangladesh for the last four years. It has transformed agriculture in southern Bangladesh by unlocking the potential productivity of the region’s farmers through surface water irrigation, efficient agricultural machinery and local service provision.
Integrated Weed Management in Rice (English, Odia)
(August 2017) | Manual
This training module covers critical topics on the principles and practices of IWM, in the context of Indian agriculture, where the majority of farmers are smallholders. Strong emphasis has been placed on hands-on learning and learning by experience. This module aims to provide guidance to the training facilitators to conduct rapid two-day trainings on IWM, including step-by-step detailed instructions on how to facilitate the training, training materials required for successfully conducting different sessions, and instructions on how to conduct hands-on trainings, field visits and practical sessions.
Mechanical Transplanting of Rice (English, Odia)
(May 2017) | Manual
This training module covers critical topics on the principles and practices of MTR in the context of smallholder farming in South Asia, with emphasis on hands-on learning. The contents of the module provide guidance to the training facilitators on how to conduct rapid, two-day trainings on MTR, including detailed instructions on how to facilitate the training, training material requirements and how to conduct pre-and post-tests for training participants.
Simple Tips to Increase Rice Yields in Nepal (Nepali)
(May 2017) | Booklet
This booklet details better-bet agronomic messages on selecting appropriate varieties, nursery management, transplanting method, fertilizer application, irrigation and weed management for manually transplanted rice to help farmers and technicians to increase rice productivity.
Tips for Direct Seeded Rice using Seed-Cum-Fertilizer Drill (Nepali)
(May 2017) | Booklet
This four-page document for farmers and service providers provides a step-by-step guide to practicing direct seeded rice technology in Nepal.
Line Sowing of Sunflower in Odisha (English, Odia)
(March 2017) | Factsheet
Two-page document detailing use of seed-cum-fertilizer drill to maintain proper depth, row-to-row spacing, fertilizer placement and to facilitate mechanical weeding along with earthing-up for higher productivity and profitability of sunflower
Line Sowing of Mung Bean in Odisha (English, Odia)
(March 2017) | Factsheet
Two-page document on steps to achieve higher productivity and profitability of mung bean cultivation.
Line Sowing of Mustard and Toria in Odisha (English, Odia)
(March 2017) | Factsheet
Two-page document highlighting best management practices for mung bean and toria cultivation.
Tips to Increase Spring Maize Yields (Nepali)
(January 2017) | Leaflet
An easy-to-use manual meant to provide spring maize farmers in Nepal tips to improve their yields using improved cultivation practices.
Line Sowing Machine (Nepali)
(January 2017) | Leaflet
This document outlines the benefits and operation of the push row seeder that allows for line sowing of crops including maize and soybean.
Tips for Mungbean Cultivation (Nepali)
(January 2017) | Leaflet
This two-page leaflet provides tips for mungbean cultivation in Nepal.
Grow Mat Nursery – Convert Farming into Business (English, Odia)
(2016) | Brochure
A tri-fold brochure for farmers in Odisha highlighting costs, opportunities and key points to remember for the preparation of mat nursery – the most important component for mechanical transplanting in rice.
Pocket Guide on Zero Tillage (Hindi)
(December 2016) | Booklet
A handy pocket guide for farmers in Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh that introduces them to the various aspects of zero tillage cultivation. It also serves as a diary and calendar.
Nutrient Management in Rice (English | Odia)
(2016) | Leaflet
Application of fertilizer is an integral part of rice production. This leaflet highlights how nutrients must be applied rationally for achieving maximum benefit.
Recommendations for Stemphyllium Disease Management in Lentil (Nepali)
(December 2016) | Leaflet
This leaflet outlines the recommendations on an integrated approach to manage the Stemphyllium disease in Lentil for Nepal.
Healthy Rice Seedling (Bangla)
(November 2016) | Leaflet
This leaflet is aimed at raising awareness among farmers on the benefits of raising seedlings on seedbed to increase yields.
Precision Seed and Fertilizer Spreader (Nepali)
(October 2016) | Factsheet
This factsheet details the benefits and operation of the handheld precision seed and fertilizer spreader.
Tips to Increase Wheat Yields (Nepali)
(September 2016) | Leaflet
This leaflet offers detailed information on selecting appropriate varieties, sowing dates, seed rates, sowing methods and weed control to help farmers increase their wheat yields.
Tips to Achiever Higher Yield in Hybrid Maize (English | Odia)
(2016) | Leaflet
A one-pager detailing crop establishment methods, nutrient and weed management for achieving higher yields from hybrid maize in Odisha.
Easy to Use Tips to Increase Mungbean Production in Bangladesh (English|Bangla)
(July 2016) | Booklet
Mungbean is one of Bangladesh’s most important pulses. This manual provides simple guidelines to improve mungbean cultivation in the country.
Tips on Direct Seeded Rice using Seed-Cum-Fertilizer Drill in Odisha (English | Odia)
(May 2016) | Booklet
Rice is traditionally sown in Odisha using broadcasting, which has various shortcomings. Using DSR, farmers can sow rice directly into the main field thereby eliminating the need for raising a nursery or transplanting. This publication serves as a detailed, step-by-step guide on DSR.
Laser Land Leveling (English | Odia)
(May 2016) | Leaflet
Laser leveling shifts soil from the high points of the field to the low points in the most accurate and effective way. This leaflet provides a brief introduction to the various aspects of the technology.
Setting Procedure of Seed-Cum-Fertilizer Drill (English | Odia)
(May 2016) | Leaflet
The one-pager describes the correct setting procedure for the seed-cum-fertilizer drill.
Dry Direct Seeded Rice: A Resource Conservation Technology (English | Odia)
(May 2016) | Leaflet
The two-page leaflet highlights the benefits of DSR as an establishment method using a machine and gives directions on field preparation and sowing.
Rice Seedling Preparation on Wet Bed (Nepali)
(May 2016) | Factsheet
Two-page document detailing the correct method for raising rice seedlings on a wet bed.
Nursery Management for Manually Transplanted Rice to Develop Nursery Enterprise (English | Hindi | Odia)
(May 2016) | Leaflet
With uncertain rains there is often a delay in rice transplanting and in some cases the newly transplanted fields are damaged by standing water due to heavy rains. This document enumerates 10 management tips to raise an effective rice nursery.
Kharif Maize Production (Hindi)
May 2016 | Leaflet
This document illustrates the complete process of growing maize in the kharif (monsoon) season, from sowing method to which high-yielding varieties to use.
Best Bet Agronomy of Machine Transplanted Rice in Coastal Odisha (English | Odia)
(2016) | Leaflet
A short-document highlighting the advantages of machine transplanted rice that also details best practices for preparation.
Best Bet Agronomy of Direct Seeded Rice (English | Hindi)
(May 2016) | Leaflet
Two-page document detailing DSR rice establishment method, specifically in the context of Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh.
Wheat Blast Disease: A Deadly and Baffling Fungal Foe
(April 2016) | Factsheet
A priority briefing from CIMMYT on wheat blast, one of the most fearsome and intractable wheat diseases in recent decades, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae.
Spreader for Precision Broadcasting (English | Nepali)
(September 2015) | Factsheet
Two-page document detailing the benefits, tips for and functioning of the spreader (example, EarthWay) for precision broadcasting of seed and fertilizer.
Tips to Increase Maize Yields in Plateau of Odisha (English | Odia)
(July 2015) | Manual
This easy-to-use manual is meant to provide maize farmers tips to improve their yields using improved cultivation practices. Specifically, it outlines which cultivars to use for different cropping systems, field preparation and crop establishment methods, and efficient weed control and nutrient management for higher productivity.
Easy Tips for Maize Production for Hills of Nepal (in Nepali)
(2015) | Factsheet
Maize cultivation is a way of life for most farmers in the hills of Nepal. However, its productivity needs to match with the increasing demand, which is expected to grow considerably over the next 20 years. This publication highlights some steps in maize production and improved agronomic management of the crop to achieve increased production.
Benefits of Rice-Wheat Crop Manager (in Hindi)
(June 2015) | Factsheet
Two-page document highlighting the benefits of using the Rice-Wheat Crop Manager (RWCM) for balanced use of fertilizers.
Tips for Direct Seeded Rice (in Hindi)
(June 2015) | Factsheet
Two-page document enumerating tips for efficient cultivation and production of direct seeded rice.
Sustainable Intensification Opportunities under Current and Future Cereal Systems of North-West India
Sharma, P.C.; Jat, H.S.; Kumar, V.; Gathala, M.K.; Datta, A.; Yaduvanshi, N.P.S.; Choudhary, M.; Sharma, S.; Singh, L.K.; Saharawat, Y.; Yadav, A.K.; Parwal, A.; Sharma, D.K.; Singh, G.; Jat, M.L.; Ladha, J.K.; McDonald, A. (May 2015) | Technical Bulletin
Prevalent approaches to rice-wheat production in North-West India are now known to be ecologically intrusive and economically and environmentally unsustainable, which is further aggravated by the fast changing climate in the region. Based on evidence from various production environments, this Technical Bulletin highlights how conservation agriculture (CA) based management can have both immediate and long term benefits of reduced production costs, reduced erosion, stabilized crop yield, improved water productivity, adaptation to climatic variability and improved soil health and ecosystem services.
Season Long Training on Growing Direct Seeded Rice – Training Report
Shankar, P.; Salahuddin, A.; Ganeshmoorthy, R. (March 2015) | Training Report
CSISA-Tamil Nadu Hub in association with Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute (TRRI), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Department of Agriculture (DoA) and in close collaboration of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) of Thiruvarur district at Needamangalam of TNAU organized a season long training (SLT) from September 2014 to February 2015. Growing rice with improved and mechanized direct seeding was the key theme in the training. This training report captures the learnings of this first-of-its-kind program including the methodology, curriculum and evaluation.
Postharvest Technologies: Threshing Options
(January 2015) | Factsheet
CSISA Factsheet highlighting the pros and cons of mechanized threshing options available to farmers.
Postharvest Technologies: Storage Options
(January 2015) | Factsheet
CSISA Factsheet highlighting the pros and cons of various storage options available to farmers, including painted pots, plastic and metal drums and the super bag.
The Axial Flow and Mixed Flow Pumps for Surface Water Irrigation, Drainage and Fisheries (English | Hindi)
(January 2015) | Factsheet
CSISA Factsheet detailing the functioning of the axial flow and mixed flow pumps (AFPs and MFPs), their cost benefits and specifications as well as tips for safe use.
Operational Manual for Mechanical Transplanting of Rice (English | Odia)
Rickman, F.J.; Mussgnug, F.; Khanda, C.M.; Satpathy, S.D.; Parida, N.; Singla, K.; Kumar, V.; Banik, N.C.; Iftikar, W.; Mishra, A.; Yadav, S.; Kumar, V.; Malik, R.K.; McDonald, A.J. (January 2015) | Manual
This booklet highlights the benefits of mechanical transplanting of rice and discusses some of the operational and management issues that need to be addressed. It will serve as an easy, step-by-step guide for extension staff, service providers and innovative farmers to use mechanical transplanting with or without puddling.
Axial-Flow Thresher for Cropping System Optimization
(November 2014) | Factsheet
CSISA Factsheet on the Axial-Flow Thresher with which farmers can thresh paddy right after cutting thus avoiding losses, saving residual soil moisture and creating opportunity for early sowing of Rabi (winter) crops by 8—10 days.
Why Should You Use a Handheld Maize Sheller?
(September 2014) | Pamphlet
A one-page pamphlet highlighting the benefits of using a Handheld Maize Sheller instead of shelling by hand.
Axial Flow Pumps Can Reduce Energy Use and Costs for Low-Lift Surface Water Irrigation in Bangladesh
Santos Valle, S.; Qureshi, A.S.; Islam, M.S.; Hossain M.A.; Gathala, M.K.; Krupnik, T.J. (August 2014) | Manual
Diesel pump efficiencies in Bangladesh are only 25% (compared to 35% for electric pumps) mainly due to techno-mechanical problems. This document posits that prototype axial flow pumps made in Bangladesh can help overcome this challenge by saving fuel and delivering more water than conventional centrifugal pumps for low-lift irrigation, among other benefits.
Mentoring and Connecting Potential Women Entrepreneurs in Southwest Bangladesh: A Stakeholder Workshop
Gurung, K. (July 2014) | Workshop Paper
The publication documents findings and discussions from workshop that brought together the Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Women Entrepreneurs’ Association, commercial banks, supermarkets and the agri-business sector to assist potential women entrepreneurs to grow their business by linking with and being mentored by women-led business associations.
Eight Tips for Higher Rice Yields
English, Odia Odisha, India (2016) | Terai and Mid Hills, Nepal (2015)
In spite of a favorable environment, productivity of rice in Odisha, India and the Terai and Mid Hills region of Nepal remain well below their national and global average. This publication highlights eight critical steps in rice production and improved agronomic management of the crop to achieve increased production.
Guidelines for Dry Seeded Rice (DSR)
The DSR Series is available in English and local languages | Manual
Dry seeded rice (DSR) is becoming an attractive option for farmers as it has a much lower labor requirement than manually transplanted rice. It can be readily adopted by small farmers as well as large farmers, provided that the required machinery is locally available. This series of four publications offers guidelines for DSR in the India, Bangladesh and Nepal.
Volume 1: Eastern Gangetic Plains of India (English | Hindi)
Yadav, S.; Malik, R.K.; Humphreys, E.; Kumar, V.; Singh, S.S.; Chauhan, B.S.; Kamboj, B.R.; Gathala, M.; Jat, M.L.; McDonald, A.J.; Laik, R. (2013)
Volume 2: Bangladesh (English | Bangla)
Gathala, M.; Yadav, S.; Mazid, Md.A.; Humphreys, E.; Ahmed, S.; Krupnik, T.J.; Rashid, Md.H.; Chauhan, B.S.; Kumar, V.; Russell, T.; Saleque, M.A.; Kamboj, B.R.; Jat, M.L.; Malik, R.K.; Tiwari, T.P.; Mondal, M.; Rahman, M.; Saha, A.; Hossain, K.; Islam, S.; McDonald, A.J. (2014)
Volume 3: Terai and Mid Hills, Nepal (English | Nepali)
Devkota, K.; Yadav, S.; Ranjit, J.D.; Sherchan, D.P.; Regmi, A.; Devkota, M.; Akhtar, T.; Humphreys, E.; Chauhan, B.S.; Kumar, V.; McDonald, A.J.; Malik, R.K. (2014)
Volume 4: Cauvery Delta Zone, Tamil Nadu, India (English | Tamil)
Yadav, S.; Ganeshamoorthy, R.; Humphreys, E.; Rajendran, R.; Ravi, V.; Mussgnug, F.; Kumar, V.; Chauhan, B.S.; Ramesh, T.; Kamboj, B.R.; Gathala, M.; Malik, R.K.; Jat, M.L.; McDonald, A.J. (2014)
A Framework on Conservation Agriculture Principles for Food Security: Technical Bulletin (in Hindi)
Sharma, P.C.; Jat, H.S.; Sharma, D.K.; Singh, G.; Kumar, V.; Jat, M.L.; Ladha, J.K.; Gathala, M.K.; Yudvanshi, N.P.S.; Sehrawat, Y.; McDonald, A.J. (January 2014) | Technical Bulletin
Conservation agriculture (CA) can provide steady agricultural yields as well as reduce environmental degradation. This document presents a framework for using CA principles to achieve food security in addition to highlighting both its international and domestic scope.
Made in Bangladesh: Scale-Appropriate Machinery for Agricultural Resource Conservation (English | Bangla)
Krupnik, T.J.; Santos Valle; S.; McDonald, A.J.; Justice, S.; Hossain, I.; Gathala, M.K. (December 2013) | Manual
This document describes and provides technical designs for small-scale agricultural machinery developed or produced in Bangladesh to support the sustainable intensification of agriculture by smallholder farmers. It focuses on smart, scale-appropriate equipment – particularly for use with two-wheel hand tractors suited for small plots.
Bed Planting (in Bangla)
(2012) | Leaflet
An awareness-raising leaflet on the benefits of using bed planting method in farming.
Conservation Agriculture (in Bangla)
(2012) | Leaflet
A leaflet that gives farmers an overview of conservation agriculture and its benefits.
Strip Tillage (in Bangla)
(2012) | Leaflet
An instructional leaflet for farmers on achieving best results from strip tillage.
Stay Safe If You Use Pesticides, Pesticides Are Poison (in Bangla)
(2012) | Poster
An illustrative poster on integrated pest management and pesticide safety for rice farmers in Bangladesh.
Operational Manual for Multi-Crop Zero Till Planter
Kapil; Kamboj, B.R.; Jat, M.L.; Kumar, A.; Dalip, K.; Sidhu, H.S.; Gathala, M.K.; Saharawat, Y.S.; Kumar, V.; Kumar, A.; Kumar, V. (July 2012) | Manual
This report highlights the Multi-Crop Zero Till Planter, which can be used for direct drilling of several crops including wheat, rice, maize, moongbean, mustard and barley without any preparatory tillage and also under reduced tillage situations
Direct Seeded Rice Technology in Western Indo-Gangetic Plains of India: CSISA Experiences
Kamboj, B.R.; Kumar, A.; Bishnoi, D.K.; Singla, K.; Kumar, V.; Jat, M.L.; Chaudhary, N.; Jat, H.S.; Gosain, D.K.; Khippal, A.; Garg, R.; Lathwal, O.P.; Goyal, S.P.; Goyal, N.K.; Yadav, A.; Malik, D.S.; Mishra, A.; Bhatia, R. (May 2012) | Technical Bulletin
This report summarizes the experiences of direct seeded rice (DSR) during Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) Phase-I (2009-2011) as well as outcomes of a multi-stakeholder travelling seminar on DSR organized by CSISA Haryana Hub in September 2011.
Sprayers and Spraying Techniques – A Manual
Malik, R.K.; Pundir, A.; Dar, S.R.; Singh, S.K.; Gopal, R.; Shankar, P.R.; Singh, N.; Jat, M.L. (May 2012) | Manual
Timely application of herbicides, pesticides and fungicides at peak periods plays a vital role in ensuring better yields from a crop. This manual outlines Crop Protection Products application technologies and is intended to serve as a practical guide to extension workers and farmers.
Direct Dry Seeded Rice Production Technology and Weed Management in Rice Based Systems
Gopal, R.; Jat, R.K.; Malik, R.K.; Kumar, V.; Alam, M.M.; Jat, M.L.; Mazid, M.A.; Saharawat, Y.S.; McDonald, A.; Gupta, R. (2010) | Technical Bulletin
In South Asia, rice-based cropping systems account for more than 50% of the total acreage with rice grown in sequence with rice or upland crops like wheat, maize or legumes. In most areas, rice is traditionally grown by transplanting seedlings into puddled fields (TPR). Alternative establishment practices for rice such as direct seeding into dry, unpuddled soil (DSR) are suitable for different production environments in South Asia and may alleviate many of the problems associated with TPR. The document describes a comprehensive set of management principles and practices that can help ensure high rice yields and economic returns with DSR, including direct seeding without tillage.