The year-on-year annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) reached its lowest for 2023/24 at 3.6 but the CPI for food and beverage was higher than the national CPI indicating higher costs for these essential items compared to other non-goods and services. Annual remittance inflow increased by 16.5 percent in July 2024, although the increase was lower than the same period of the previous year. The number of Nepali workers applying for entry renewal declined by 1.4 percent.
In June 2024, the national wage rate index and remittance inflows to Nepal increased, while the Consumer Price Index (CPI) declined, improving the purchasing power of lower-income households. The lower CPI was partly due to falling prices for ghee and edible oil, making nutritious options more affordable for both rural and urban households. However, increased prices for cereals, certain fruits, vegetables eggs, fish, and meat have negatively affected these households. Additionally, rising petroleum prices have increased production costs for farmers, potentially leading to higher food prices in the future.
The Nepal Living Standard Survey IV (2022-23) reveals significant shifts in Nepal’s agricultural practices, highlighting a decline in the number of agriculture households and average land holding, changes in crop cultivation, and a reduction in livestock farming.
A significant gender wage gap persists in Nepal’s agricultural sector, with women earning less than men, particularly in Banke district, while Bardia and Dang districts show gender parity in the Feed the Future (FtF) Zone of Influence (ZoI). This highlights ongoing gender inequality and the urgent need for initiatives to promote equity and improve the livelihoods of female agricultural workers.
Salin Acharya, Assistant Research Associate presented the overall outcome of CSISA Activity. Photo, Nabin Maharjan
Salin Acharya, Assistant Research Associate presented the overall outcome of CSISA Activity. Photo, Nabin Maharjan
Bardiya, Nepal – June 27, 2024 – The CSISA COVID Closure Workshop, held on June 25, 2024, Gulariya, Bardiya district marked a successful conclusion to CSISA’s COVID response work in the region. The workshop served as a platform to share CSISA’s achievements with government and private stakeholders, MSMEs, farmers, and concerned authorities.
Focus on Knowledge and Sustainable Practices
The workshop emphasized the importance of knowledge and training in sustainable farming practices over traditional subsidy programs. Participants like Ek Raj Oli, Chief of Agriculture Section at Madhuwan municipality, stressed the need for equipping farmers with the skills to succeed with lower resource inputs.
CSISA Initiatives Empower Farmers
CSISA’s initiatives, such as the Kisan Card (KCC) program and the introduction of power tillers, were highlighted for their positive impact on farmers. The KCC program, as discussed by Ram Chandra Chaudhary (BLB merchant), improves access to finance, while power tillers, as noted by Jogilal Tharu (farmer), reduce the drudgery of traditional farming methods.
Collaboration is Key
The workshop underscored the importance of collaboration between stakeholders like CSISA, BLB merchants, and agricultural machinery providers like Sangam Dahit (Swastik Traders) and Kavita Chaudhary (machinery service provider). This collaboration is crucial for ensuring farmers have access to the resources and knowledge they need.
Above: Bina Dhakal, MEL Officer hosted the event and asked participants to provide CSISA team with their feedback. Photo: Nabin Maharjan, CIMMYT.
Effective Communication for Wider Adoption
The successful adoption of new technologies like DSR (Direct Seeded Rice) depends on effective communication and training. Krishna Prasad Tharu (farmer) emphasized the need for continued support to farmers and vendors to improve the effectiveness of DSR and similar technologies.
Looking Forward: Building on Success
The workshop concluded with a positive outlook on the future of agriculture in the region. Jhalak Khadka (municipality agriculture section representative) expressed the value of CSISA’s project outcomes for guiding future agricultural development initiatives. Sagar Dhakal (Senior Officer, Integrated Agriculture & Livestock Devt. Office) echoed this sentiment, highlighting the importance of learning from CSISA’s achievements and challenges.
The CSISA COVID Closure Workshop served as a testament to the organization’s success in empowering farmers and MSMEs. By promoting knowledge sharing, collaboration, and sustainable practices, CSISA has laid a strong foundation for continued growth in the agricultural sector.
The Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA), is a regional initiative to increase the productivity of cereal-based cropping systems and help improve food security and farmer livelihoods in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. The project is supported by The Feed the Future for Global Hunger and the Food Security Initiative under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Nepal. It is implemented by CIMMYT in collaboration with iDE Nepal, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Cornell University, Texas A&M University and it aligns with Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) Activity. TAFSSA is One CGIAR regional integrated initiative to support actions that improve equitable access to sustainable healthy diets, improve farmers’ livelihoods and resilience, and conserve land, air, and water resources in South Asia.The farming households in the Feed the Future Zone in the Terai region (plain land, mainly low mid-hills of Nepal), are coping with climatic challenges such as variable rainfall, drought and heat stress, which limit the productivity of their farming systems. The COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2021 further marginalized smallholder farmers, particularly women and farmers from disadvantaged communities.
CSISA works with public and private partners to increase the adoption of improved agricultural practices, farm mechanization and promotion of agri-businesses. ‘Success Stories of Agricultural Entrepreneurs’ is a selected collection of real-life narratives of farmers about their challenges and successes. In this edition, we would like to share stories from the Surkhet district in the below:
The Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA), is a regional initiative to increase the productivity of cereal-based cropping systems and help improve food security and farmer livelihoods in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. The project is supported by The Feed the Future for Global Hunger and the Food Security Initiative under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Nepal. It is implemented by CIMMYT in collaboration with iDE Nepal, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Cornell University, Texas A&M University and it aligns with Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) Activity. TAFSSA is One CGIAR regional integrated initiative to support actions that improve equitable access to sustainable healthy diets, improve farmers’ livelihoods and resilience, and conserve land, air, and water resources in South Asia.The farming households in the Feed the Future Zone in the Terai region (plain land, mainly low mid-hills of Nepal), are coping with climatic challenges such as variable rainfall, drought and heat stress, which limit the productivity of their farming systems. The COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2021 further marginalized smallholder farmers, particularly women and farmers from disadvantaged communities.
CSISA works with public and private partners to increase the adoption of improved agricultural practices, farm mechanization and promotion of agri-businesses. ‘Success Stories of Agricultural Entrepreneurs’ is a selected collection of real-life narratives of farmers about their challenges and successes. In this edition, we would like to share stories from Dang & Kapilvastu districts in the below:
The Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA), is a regional initiative to increase the productivity of cereal-based cropping systems and help improve food security and farmer livelihoods in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. The project is supported by The Feed the Future for Global Hunger and the Food Security Initiative under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Nepal. It is implemented by CIMMYT in collaboration with iDE Nepal, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Cornell University, Texas A&M University and it aligns with Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) Activity. TAFSSA is One CGIAR regional integrated initiative to support actions that improve equitable access to sustainable healthy diets, improve farmers’ livelihoods and resilience, and conserve land, air, and water resources in South Asia.The farming households in the Feed the Future Zone in the Terai region (plain land, mainly low mid-hills of Nepal), are coping with climatic challenges such as variable rainfall, drought and heat stress, which limit the productivity of their farming systems. The COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2021 further marginalized smallholder farmers, particularly women and farmers from disadvantaged communities.
CSISA works with public and private partners to increase the adoption of improved agricultural practices, farm mechanization and promotion of agri-businesses. ‘Success Stories of Agricultural Entrepreneurs’ is a selected collection of real-life narratives of farmers about their challenges and successes. In this edition, we would like to share stories from Kailali & Kanchanpur districts in the below:
In April 2024, Nepal saw a 1.8 percent increase in the prices of food and beverages compared to the previous month. During the same period, the year-on-year inflation rate for food and beverages reached 5.2 percent, surpassing the overall consumer inflation rate of 4.6 percent. The main contributors to the rise in food prices in April were the annual spikes in the prices of spices (22.6 percent) and vegetables (17.0 percent). Moreover, staple food items such as cereal grains, pulses, and legumes also experienced significant price hikes over the course of the year. Food price inflation was highest in the Terai region (5.6 percent) and lowest in the Mountain districts (3.2 percent).
The year-on-year consumer price inflation in April 2024 fell to 4.6 percent. The highest price inflation was observed for food and beverage prices (5.2 percent) compared to non-food and service categories (4.1 percent). Similarly, the prices of food and beverages were highest in Terai region (5.9 percent), while it was lowest for hilly districts. During this period, basic commodities, such as cereals, pulses, vegetables, spices, and associated products become increasingly less affordable due to rise in their prices. This may affect consumers with lower income. The annual salary index and agricultural labor wage increased by 1.1 and 5.2, respectively, in April 2024, keeping pace with the inflation rate. The trend of annual remittances showed an upward trajectory, with an annual increment of 19.8 percent. Conversely, the number of Nepalese individuals seeking foreign employment declined by 15.1 percent, and the issuance of renewed entry permits decreased by 2.4 percent. These trends suggest a potential shift in the labor market or changes in migration patterns.
Inflation: In April 2024, Nepal witnessed a year-on-year consumer price inflation of 4.6 percent. Notably, food and beverage price inflation reached 5.2 percent, surpassing non-food and service inflation (4.1 percent). Geographically, the highest year-on-year food inflation was in the Terai region (5.6 percent), while the lowest was observed in Mountain districts (3.1 percent) in April. Within the food and beverage category, spices showed the highest year-on-year price inflation at 22.6 percent, followed by vegetables at 17.0 percent. Additionally, staple food products such as cereal grains and their products, pulses, and legumes also experienced significant price increases over one year. However, prices of commodities such as ghee and oil, fruits, meat, and fish declined in April compared to the previous year. The increase in staple food prices, including vegetables and pulses, will require non-agricultural households to allocate a larger portion of their income to food, potentially reducing their spending on other essential goods and services.
Salaries and wages: In April 2024, the year-on-year increase in wage rates was the highest among industrial laborers (10.5 percent), followed by agricultural labor, which saw notable growth of 5.2 percent. Additionally, the year-on-year salary index increased by only 1.1 percent in April 2024. Within the agricultural labor wage rate, the change was more pronounced for female laborers (5.4 percent) compared to their male counterparts (5.1 percent). Although the difference in agricultural labor wages among male and female laborers is small, it is significant, especially if sustained, as it points towards a gradual shift in addressing the long-standing gender-based wage disparity. However, agricultural labor wage rates in April 2024 remained unchanged from the previous month.
CSISA Activity in Nepal successfully concluded its COVID Response program supported by USAID/Nepal with a closing event in Lamahi, Dang district on June 11, 2024. The well-attended event, with nearly 40 participants, shared the positive impact of CSISA on extending agricultural businesses and innovation in the sector.
Welcome session by Lekhnath Adhikari, Consultant of CIMMYT International shared objective of the event.
Sagar Kafle, a Research Associate from CIMMYT, delivered a presentation highlighting the project’s key achievements, learnings, and challenges faced during implementation.
The event also featured testimonials from around 10 beneficiary representatives who shared their experiences with CSISA and how it helped them make positive changes in their agricultural businesses.
We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the CSISA COVID-19 program for Surkhet hub. The program kicked off from July 2021 – June 2024. Surkhet team hosted the event and officially concluded it’s episode in Birendranagar, Surkhet on June 4, 2024.
This program wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible collaboration and contributions of all our partners, beneficiaries, and especially the smallholder farmers we’ve supported. We extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you!
This program has played a vital role in strengthening the resilience of farmers during COVID-19 by promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Thanks to your hard work and dedication, we’ve achieved significant progress in supporting the adoption of farm machinery and improving irrigation practices.
We look forward to sharing more details about the program’s impact in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
In March 2024, Nepal witnessed moderate inflation. Overall consumer inflation reached 4.8 percent on a year-on-year basis, while food and beverage inflation stood at 5.9 percent. The year-on-year wage rate index for agricultural labor showed a significant increase, however, agricultural labor wages remained constant over February-March. Remittances increased with the rise in labor permits for foreign employment. Staple foods such as rice, wheat flour, lentils, and black beans remained stable in February 2024 compared to the previous month. Additionally, the prices of vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, and carrots decreased over the same period. Similarly, the prices of protein-rich sources like milk, eggs, meat, and fish moderately decreased in February compared to the earlier month, while the price of edible oil continued to fall during this period.
सन् २०२४ को फेब्रुअरी महिनामा, नेपालमा समग्रमा ५.० प्रतिशतको मध्यम वार्षिक बिन्दुगत उपभोक्ता मुद्रास्फीति देखिँदा खाद्य तथा पेय पदार्थ समूहको मुद्रास्फीहत ६.५ प्रतिशत रह्यो। मसलाहरुको मूल्यमा ३२.१ प्रतिशतको उच्च वृद्धि सँगै अनाज, दाल तथा गेडागुडीको मूल्य बढेको थियो। चामल, गहुँको पिठो, दाल र कालो सिमी जस्ता प्रमुख खानेकुराको मूल्य २०२४ को जनवरी महिनामा स्थिर रह्यो । सन् २००२ देदि २०२३ सम्मको मौसमी मूल्यको प्रवृत्ति विश्लेषणले नेपालको राष्टिय स्तरमा तथा पश्चिमी प्रदेशहरुमा मोटो चामलको मूल्य प्रथम अर्धवार्षिक अवधिमा वार्षिक औषत मूल्य भन्दा कम रहेको देखिएको छ। यद्यपि, पश्चिमी प्रदेशहरुमा मसिनो चामलको प्रथम त्रैमासिक अवधिको मूल्य सामान्य प्रवृत्तिको विपरित वार्षिक औषत मूल्य भन्दा बढी रह्यो। जुलाई २०२३ देखि फेब्रुवरी २०२४ सम्ममा २१.५ प्रतिशतले घटेको श्रमिक आप्रवासनले नेपालबाट हुने वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा कमी आएको सङ्केत गर्दछ। अघिल्लो महिनाको तुलनामा फेब्रुवरी महिनामा वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा ११.८ प्रतिशत गिरावट आएको थियो ।
In February 2024, Nepal saw moderate inflation with year-on-year figures for overall consumer inflation at 5.0 percent and food and beverage inflation at 6.5 percent. Prices for cereals, pulses, and legumes rose, with spices surging by 32.1 percent. Staple food prices such as rice, wheat flour, lentils, and black beans stayed stable in January 2024. Seasonal price trend analysis from 2002 to 2023 showed that national coarse rice prices in Nepal and its Western provinces were below yearly averages in the first half. However, medium grain rice prices in Western provinces exceeded the yearly average in the first quarter, contrary to typical trends. Labor migration declined by 21.5 percent from July to February, signaling a reduction in out-migration from Nepal. 11.8 percent of this drop occurred in February 2024 compared to the previous month.
The video aims to develop an engaging and informative video that effectively communicates CSISA’s work and impact, contributing to increased awareness, knowledge sharing, and advocacy efforts on groundwater monitoring using the Kobo Collect App. The researchers and users of the CSISA Activity may find this tool effective. Link to the video can be found here.
२०२३ को नोभेम्बर देखि डिसेम्बर सम्म नेपालको मुद्रास्फीति दर पछिल्लो १२ महिनाको तुलनामा सबैभन्दा न्यून रह्यो । यस अवधिमा वार्षिक बिन्दुगत मुद्रास्फीति ४.९ प्रतिशत रहेको छ भनेँ पछिल्लो महिनाको तुलनामा १.३६ प्रतिशतले घटेको छ । मुद्रास्फीतिमा आएको यो गिरावटले ग्रामिण तथा शहरी क्षेत्रमा बसोबास गर्ने विपन्न घरपरिवारका लागि थप खाद्य पदार्थ तथा पोषणमा उनीहरुको पहुँच बढाउन सकारात्मक प्रभाव पार्ने छ ।
२०२३ नोभेम्बर महिनामा तरकारी, अण्डा, माछा, मासु, मध्यम चामल र पिठोको मासिक मूल्यमा सामान्य गिरावट देखिएको छ । तर, पछिल्लो महिनाको तुलनामा दाल, केरा र स्याउको मूल्यमा वृद्वि भएको छ । यो अवधिमा, नेपालमा विप्रेषण आप्रवाहमा वृद्वि भएको छ, यद्यपि, मध्य नोभेम्बर देखि मध्य डिसेम्बर सम्म वैदेशिक रोजगारीका लागि नयाँ श्रम स्वीकृति तथा पुन: श्रम स्वीकृति लिने नेपालीहरुको संख्या घटेको छ । विप्रेषणमा भएको वृद्विले उपभोग्य वस्तुमा खर्च बढाउन योगदान गर्ने आशा गरिएको छ ।
कृषि तथा पशुपन्छी विकास मन्त्रालयको प्रतिवेदनका अनुसार पछिल्लो वर्षको तुलनामा २०२३ मा बाढी जस्ता प्राकृतिक प्रकापका घटनाहरूमा भएको कमी तथा समयमा नै मलखादको उपलब्धताका कारण आर्थिक वर्ष २०२३/२४ मा धानको उत्पादनमा वृद्वि भएको छ। यद्यपि, हिउँदे मौसम आउँदै गर्दा, बालीको उत्पादन बढाउन मलखादले महत्वपुर्ण भूमिका निर्वाह गर्ने तर, मधेश प्रदेशमा रहेको डीएपी मल (डाइमोनियम फस्फेट) र पोटास मल ( म्युरीएट अफ पोटास) को उच्च मूल्य साथै सुदूरपश्चिममा रहेको युरिया मलको उच्च मूल्यका कारण यी प्रदेशका कृषकहरु माथि नकारात्मक प्रभाव पर्न सक्दछ ।
Women farmers in Nepal are increasing their income and leading positive change in their communities through capacity-building programs in mechanization and post-harvest management.
Bhumi Shara Khadka is a 35-year-old community business facilitator who has made significant strides in agriculture and community development. Her journey began after completing training in sales skill development and technical capacity building for community business facilitators (CBF) organized by the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) in June 2022 and April 2023, respectively. This training opened up new opportunities, and she soon secured a job as a CBF. However, her ambitions didn’t stop there.
Last year, under Khadka’s facilitation, 48 farmers cultivated vegetables on an average of 0.02 hectares each, each achieving an average net profit of NPR 63,500 (c.$485). She also owns a power tiller, which she rents out for others to use, earning NPR 35,000 (c.$267) last year from this service provision activity.
In addition to her business and professional success, Khadka completed high school in 2014, underlining the significance of her accomplishments. Khadka’s remarkable journey is an inspiring agricultural success story, showcasing the transformative power of women’s empowerment in rural communities. Her dedication, knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit have improved farmers’ lives and elevated the entire community’s access to nutritious food. Her unwavering commitment to her work has brought her well-deserved recognition, and she is a beacon of hope for others in similar fields of endeavor. The detailed story can be found here.