Training of Trainers on Improved Hybrid Maize Cultivation in Plateau Ecology of Odisha
CSISA in collaboration with ACCESS Development Services, successfully organized a Field Day training of trainers (ToT) activity on “Improved Hybrid Maize Cultivation in Plateau Ecology of Odisha” in Umarkote in Nabarangpur from 1-2 June and in Mahendragarh in Gajapati from 4-5 June 2023. CSISA maize technical lead in Odisha, Dr. Wasim Iftikar conducted the trainings. Seventy-three participants, including 16 women trainees, attended the programme. The participants were mainly from ACCESS project staff, including some progressive farmers who were members of Farmer Producer Companies and Farmer Producer Groups (FPCs and FPGs). The objective of the training was to create awareness and impart knowledge about mechanization, improved hybrid maize cultivation, balanced nutrient management, integrated weed and FAW management while emphasising the positive impact maize cultivation is bringing in the livelihoods of the farmers, both men and women in the region.
The two ToTs were conducted in two sessions of one and a half days each. The one-day theoretical session was indoors, and a half-day field-based demonstration on mechanized maize sowing and interaction was conducted in the field.
Following the above training, another ToT and hands-on training on mechanized power weeder, integrated weed and FAW management will be organized during the last week of July.