Empowering small and marginal farmers of Odisha through collaborative initiatives
In Odisha (Bargarh, Ganjam, Kalahandi, Mayurbhanj, and Puri), CSISA-IRRI, in collaboration with the Govt. of Odisha, is working on the “DSR-Odisha project.” The project aims to increase Agri-productivity, ensure socio-economic and environmental sustainability, and improve the state’s smallholder farmers’ profitability from rice-based systems.
With a convergent approach and partnership with public and private sectors, improved technologies, crop varieties, and better bet agronomy are being demonstrated through cluster demonstrations in the targeted regions by sequencing Kharif rice with feasible rabi season crops like green gram, black gram, groundnut, maize, etc.
Extension activities and farmers’ participatory approach

During the rabi season of 2021-22, cluster demonstrations on mechanized pulses and oilseeds with matching agronomic practices were established in five districts on 368 acres in 543 plots of 283 farmers across the five projects districts. Twenty-one field days and one travel seminar were organized involving potential stakeholders, including women farmers, from March-April 2022. Almost all stakeholders, participants from the Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment (DAFE), the Department of Mission Shakti (DMS), Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), NGOs, Service Providers, Agri-entrepreneurs, Input Dealers, Farm Machinery Dealers, Progressive Farmers, and Media personnel were involved in these activities.
Inclusive participation: In these activities, 1546 participants attended, with 1046 (68%) males and 500 (32%) females.
Farmers expressed interest in trying the mechanized line sowing layered with improved varieties in their fields. During the interactive sessions, farmers also shared the challenges they were facing. Different resource persons suggested counter solutions and actions on the spot. Women farmers and DMS officials expressed their keen interest in trying the drill -DSR in the Kharif season of 2022.
The media covered these events: The Samaja, Dharitri, Sambad, Prameya, Nyayavati, Pratidina, Odisha Bhaskar, DK News, Pragatibadi, and also Odia news channel Kalinga TV and Koshal TV.
Way Forward: Convergence among potential partners (DAFE, DMS, KVKs, NGOs, SPs, Agri-entrepreneurs, Input Dealers, Farm Machinery Dealers, Farmers, etc.) is crucial to achieving the project’s goal but also to scaling the technology in a systems approach. The Government of Odisha’s incentivization schemes on Kharif diversification, higher subsidy on farm machinery purchase (more subsidy for women farmers), and the technical support of DSR-Odisha and CSISA projects in convergence with public and private sectors can act as an effective catalyst to scale the improved technologies.