CSISA in India

In India, CSISA activities focus on areas of the eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains dominated by small farm sizes, low incomes and comparatively low levels of agricultural mechanization, irrigation and productivity. Project hubs are located in Bihar, eastern Uttar Pradesh and Odisha.

The project partners with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, the State Departments of Agriculture, national-level initiatives, livelihoods programs, state agricultural universities, NGOs and private sector entities including agricultural machinery manufacturers, dealers and local service providers.

CSISA’s core interventions in India include:


CSISA locations in India (click to enlarge)

  1. Directly-sown rice (DSR) to address labor and energy constraints to precision rice establishment
  2. Strengthening the foundations of agro-advisory through knowledge organization and data integration
  3. Building precision nutrient management approaches around established and emerging scaling pathways
  4. Income-generating maize production in neglected hill and plateau ecologies
  5. Rice-fallows development in coastal Odisha
  6. Increasing the capacity of National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems (NARES) to conduct participatory on-farm technology evaluations
  7. Integrated weed management to facilitate sustainable intensification transitions in rice
  8. Accelerating the emergence of mechanized solutions for sustainable intensification
  9. Coping with climate extremes in rice–wheat cropping systems


  • CSISA-ICAR collaboration on data-driven agricultural interventions: LCAS workshop for Pulse Crops

    The Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) project led by CIMMYT partners with Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s (KVKs), state agricultural universities (SAUs), and state governments to strengthen India’s research for development (R4D) ecosystem through evidence-based agricultural innovation. The Landscape Diagnostic Survey (LDS) also called the Landscape Crop Assessment Survey (LCAS), initiated in 2017 and supported by ICAR-KVKs, gathered over 7,000 data points on rice and wheat practices across eight states directly from the farmers. Published in New Frontiers in Agricultural Extension (Vol.1 and ...

  • World Soil Day 2024 Celebration at BAMETI, Patna

    CSISA shared insights and outcomes of the Soil Intelligence System initiative in Bihar On December 5th, 2024, World Soil Day was celebrated at the Bihar Agriculture Management & Extension Training Institute (BAMETI), Patna. The event was chaired by Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of Bihar, Shri Mangal Pandey. It was attended by senior agricultural officials from the Government of Bihar, along with distinguished scientists from both state and federal agricultural universities—BAU-Sabour and RP CAU-Pusa. The gathering also included Agricultural Extension personnel, such as  Block Technology Managers (BTMs), Assistant Technology ...

  • Landscape Crop Assessment Survey Training Pulses, Nadia, West Bengal

    CSISA is conducting LCAS (Landscape Crop Assessment Survey) training sessions in collaboration with ICAR-KVKs and state agricultural universities. The current focus is on gathering data on cultivation practices for pulses. So far, 52 districts across 13 states in India have been selected for the survey in consultation with ICAR/ATARI, and training for 36 of these districts has been completed. In each district, the survey covers 40 villages, with 10 households surveyed per village—5 current-season pulse crop growers and 5 farmers who have either discontinued or never adopted pulse cultivation—resulting in a ...

  • MEL Cell established at the Division of Agricultural Extension, Indian Council of Agricultural Research

    The Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) project in India works closely with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Division of Extension, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK), State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and state governments to strengthen the research for development (R4D) system by integrating convergence processes with evidence generation and feedback from large-scale surveys with farmers. In 2018-2019, CSISA embarked on an ambitious task of generating data for evidence: Landscape Diagnostic Survey (LDS). They were supported in this task by select Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) centers in the states being ...

  • Rapid learning survey of DSR adoption in Bihar - Training of trainers (JEEViKA)

    Under the capacity-building activities by CSISA-EiA, a one-day workshop to implement a rapid learning survey (RLS) was held in Patna, Bihar, on December 12, 2023. The RLS will help evaluate DSR adoption and the opportunities and challenges. The JEEViKA team (16), which consists of livelihood specialists (LHS) from Patna, Vaishali, Nalanda, Bhojpur, and Darbhanga, attended the workshop. Anil Kumar, program manager at JEEViKA (livelihood) and Sugandha Munshi from CSISA apprised the participants that together with CSISA-EiA, the JEEViKA team will implement an RLS to generate evidence on DSR (mechanized and manual) ...

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CSISA Website


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